Monday, July 14, 2014

Wait... What happened?


Mr. B and I begrudgingly took a TTC break earlier this year when I found out that I had a bulging/herniated disc in my L5 back in March. Needless to say those 3 months were very painful and depression filled. I was on medicine that caused nausea and loss of appetite which resulted in me losing 20lbs that I really couldn't afford to lose. After going through 2 physical therapy programs and getting bi-weekly massages I am finally at point where I feel more like myself again.

After being cleared by my neurologist that I was indeed "better" we could start "trying" again I was eager and excited to have a cycle (what woman ever says that...) so that I could make that phone call to my nurse for Day 1... Unfortunately I ended up with the same initial problem my cycle didn't appear on time. So two weeks after when I was supposed to start I had spotting which I thought was turning into the dreaded (but waited upon) AF but it wasn't. I called the nurse and she requested I come in that Monday for bloodwork and ultrasound. As the weekend went on I realized clearly I was mistaken called the nurse again and was told to come in anyway. They did initial bloodwork and an ultrasound and found that my lining was still very thick. I was sent home with a prescription for Provera and told to take it for 10 days and call with day 1. 

This is where my body's sense of humor kicked in because by the time I made it home from work that night AF was in full effect. Of course Mr. B thought I was losing my mind when I kept mumbling things like where was this 4 days ago. SMH the bright side I could begin my cycle like I wanted.  

Fast forward into the cycle where I am on gonal f shots of 100 ui/ml and I have 5 nice size follicles growing. My RE lowers my dosage by half and tells me to come back in 2 days. I go back in 2 days to find that I have 15 follicles growing ranging from 14mm to 18mm...

All I could say was Wait, What Happened...

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