Sunday, October 12, 2014

Ivf 2 Results

This morning I had to get up early to be at the doctor's office for a blood draw to see if our FET IVF cycle was a success. 

It was a struggle to get up this morning because I had a "Girls Night In" last night which was so great but it ended with the last two people leaving after 1am.

The nurse called at 9am to tell me that my Beta Results were negative and unfortunately I'm not pregnant. I won't deny that I'm devastated because so many things seem to always happen when we try and I know that no one else's life is the same as mine but I just want my turn and chance to be a mom...

No tears today but I have a sad feeling that I can't shake and I know that's ok because tomorrow is another day...

Until next time...

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Currently I am 5dp5dt and I feel like this...

Well kinda I am experiencing a slight sinus cold/allergy issue that triggered a massive asthma attack at work yesterday complete with the EMT's and the threat of oxygen. I don't have many 2ww symptoms other than the occasional crampy twinge here and there and sore boobies but that's to be expected since I am still on Estrace and Endometrium. Although last night my stomach was kinda bloated like I had eaten alot even though I hadn't had anything yet. Other than that I feel fine.

I can't say that I am particularly stressed because unfortunately asthma attacks this time of year are common for me but I have wondered if coughing and the fact that I have no choice but to take/use the medicine will affect implantation any. I contacted my nurse and she basically told me what I already knew BREATHING is more important so if I need the medicine then definitely take it.

I stayed home from work today and pretty much slept half the day away because it takes so much out of me but I just keep telling myself that it's what I need at the moment. A non-breathing me will be no use to the little embies inside me so I have to just take care of myself.

The Beta is scheduled for Sunday 10/12 so I'm hoping I feel better by then along with a BFP.

OAN: The funniest thing in all this is I keep thinking that I have the cutest new clothes and I haven't gotten to wear them because I don't feel that great. I guess I'm doing good not to stress about it. :-)

Until Next Time... Pray for us.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Starting Over... IVF#2

So after the first IVF cycle ended up as a chemical pregnancy and my doctor sent me to have a serious of blood work done. We were ready to get started again except my cycle did what it always does so after 51 days my cycle FINALLY shows back up.

I go through normal protocols and call my nurse to see what day she wants me to come back in. Since we had the two embryos in the freezer we decided to use those instead of doing the meds and it is supposed to be easier on you body so I'm for that. I go in on cycle day 3 and they put me on Estrace twice a day for 6 days and then I go back in for blood work and ultrasound.

After 10 days of Estrace I starting taking progesterone suppositories which I have to do 3X a day. I also had to start antibiotics and a steroid for 7 days. After that we could schedule the embryo transfer. Since it was a frozen cycle we had to do it Mon-Fri at our clinic especially since most times they aren't open past 9 am on Sat & Sun anyway so we chose today/Friday to make it a long weekend and I could just relax as much as possible.

The embryos were initially frozen as 5 day blast so we only had to hope that they survived the thaw. Luckily both of them did and they implanted them this morning at 10:30. Of course they let you watch it on screen as everything is happening but I think I was so tense from what was going on with the catheter that I missed it but they gave us a picture of the ultrasound so I know exactly where they are.

The cool/interesting thing is that even though the embryos were separate but frozen in the same "straw" when they thawed they somehow joined together by the sac which made me doctor say that I am her always something interesting patient.

Basically what this means is that WHEN(let's speak it into existence in hopes that it comes true) the embryos attach they will share a sac like they are identical twins even though they are fraternal. The babies would have two different placenta but share the same sac. She assured us that the babies would not be conjoined but it is a very interesting and rare case just the same. Needless to say the doctor, sonographer, and a few nurses are all excited and hopefully that this will work out for us.

I was just looking into the type of twins (mono-mono, di-di, and mono-di) a couple of weeks ago and from the descriptions it's true that this doesn't happen often definitely something only with IVF frozen cases.

Now I am in my two week wait but I will be going back in on Sunday to monitor my levels especially with the Vitamin D and MTHFR gene mutation. So let's keep our fingers crossed and the prayers strong that these are our miracle babies. We're/I'm cautiously optimistic and I hope that this works out great for us. The next 9 days are going to be very interesting.

I will keep you updated. I also attached a picture of the embyos.

Until next time... Pray for us!