Saturday, August 23, 2014

Now I Understand... Kinda

So after having to wait an extra 2 weeks due to the lag in one test, a mini flood that still has me carless, going out of town for my friend's wedding and still working in between Mr. B and I finally met up with the RE to discuss the results from the bloodwork.

I'll be honest and tell you that I was dreading that my doctor would say something was wrong just as much as saying everything came back normal because I really needed a reason of why this keeps happening to me but no one wants something to be wrong.

We get to the office a little early and sit in the waiting room and I can't stop my legs from shaking in a nervous twitchy way. Even as we walk back to her office and my RE comments that we have lots to discuss I feel a pang in my lower stomach of this can't be good.

She briefly goes over the info of the last IVF cycle and the things she finds interesting about the way Mr. B's sperm reacted kinda laying out our odds in the matter.

Then she starts on me. I have a Vitamin D deficiency (which of course I already knew) and though not uncommon especially living in MI it's definitely a problem. A low but still normal Vitamin D level would be 30 mine is at an 18. I've already started taking the supplements on my own but it was after the bloodwork panel. Still I was encouraged to take it everyday at the 5,000 dosage.

Next she went into the issue she's found I have something called MTHFR which is basically a blood clotting disorder where I create more blood clots than my body needs. She placed me on a high dose of folic acid and vitamin B called Folgard.

Later she would like to place me on Heparin (a blood thinner) and progesterone shots (that were explained to hurt badly).

As for right now I'm taking the Folgard and low dose aspirin until we are ready to try again.

Until next time... Pray for me.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Tomorrow we head in to the doctor to get the results from all the bloodwork & test that the doctor ordered.  I'm not totally scared but then again this whole TTC journey has been very heartbreaking and informative for me.

When I called the week before last they were still waiting for 1 more test and we were on vacation last week so tomorrow was the earliest that everything could fit together.

All I can do is hope for the best and see what tomorrow brings.

Until next time.... pray for me.

Sunday, August 3, 2014


I've tried not to walk around in a funk after losing the last baby but eventually it caught up with me and I haven't been sleeping well. So I'm dealing the best way I know how.

In the meantime I had a consult with my doctor and I was sent for a blood work up to test for something called Thrombophilia. From my research I've learned that this is a type of blood clotting disorder and they test for about 8 different things with this test. I guess that would explain the many, many vials of blood that they took. The results take about 7-10 days to come back in.  So I'm just waiting for them to come back to meet and discuss these with my RE about those results.

As I was researching I found info linked to infertility for people with Vitamin D deficiency. I found out that I had this during the 3 months that I was off work dealing with the herniated disc in my L5. Yet my neurologist only suggested I take supplements but never gave any real instructions on how much of a supplement I needed and the frequency of that dosage.

I found an article that explained how low Vitamin D is linked to implantation failure, miscarriage, and pre eclampsia. So after talking with my friend who not only has 6 kids and is very health conscious she explained how she and her whole family take Vitamin D supplements everyday including her 5 month old. She gave me the info for the supplements they take which are small eraser size tabs that quick dissolve with barely any taste to you.

We'll see how this works out.

Until next time...