Saturday, July 19, 2014

Beta #1... The results are in

Today was Beta #1 I laid in the bed as long as possible when my alarm went off because it felt too much like getting up for work on Saturday. My clinic does all bloodwork, labs, and ultrasounds between the hours of 6:30-7:45 am EVERYDAY so regardless you always have to get up early.

I showered and dressed plainly in jogging pants and a t-shirt and made my way over to the clinic. My husband asked if I wanted him to go with me but honestly I saw no point for both of us to get up and lose sleep since it's not like there was anything for him to do besides sit there in the waiting room and wait while they took a blood sample so I let him sleep and kissed him lightly before I left. I wasn't antsy, anxious, or even nervous on my drive over I think I kinda left those feelings in the bed when I woke up. The nurse drew my blood and instructed me that my nurse would call in a few hours with the results and that I was free to go.

I drove home in a blur and was snuggled back in bed by 7:00. My nurse scared me out of my sleep at about 9a letting me know that the results were in for my Beta...

I'm Pregnant!!! The test was positive and I was pregnant... Yay!!!

Then the other shoe dropped. They are a bit concerned that my initial number is low (because she scared me out of my sleep I didn't think to ask her what the number was I'll ask her on Monday) so they will have me come back in on Monday to see if this indeed a viable pregnancy but as of right now I am pregnant and that's good news.

I think I'm still processing the whole thing. I told Mr. B the news and all he did was smile and tell me that he told me I was baking. He didn't mention the other half of it because in this second he's living in the moment (I wish he would teach me how to do that). He kissed my stomach and talked to the baby inside it and said hold on because we can't wait to meet you.

I've barred myself from the use of Google at all and limit my interactions with my phone to only playing solitaire and Cookie Jam. I don't want to search out success stories on the issue I will deal with that bridge when I get to it.  I've said my prayers and left it up to God on what happens on Monday (and the next 9 months).

Although I really hope things work out because I don't know how I will deal with another miscarriage.

Until next time... Keep me in your prayers!

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